Stressed by your computer ?
Stop struggling and start mastering.
How ?
The “basics of IT in business” is the minimum knowledge that any user in a company should have when his or her main working tool is a computer as well as the other devices commonly used (printer …).
Some of you already have the basics ? Great. Perhaps you would like to improve your skills with our “micro-learning” module or other modules available in our catalogue.
Training – Coaching – Workshop
What added values ?

Reduce your IT support costs
An IT partner who solves problems is good, but an IT partner who helps you reduce them is better !
Reduce IT support costs ?
A significant part of IT support in companies is due to limited mastery of IT tools.
Whether it is the computer and the operating system, third-party applications or other devices that are made available.
These residual tasks are ultimately carried out by professionals, and the services they provide are not only costly but also do not add any value for the company or the user.

Strengthen your IT security
Don’t be a victim and learn to avoid the main traps that the internet can set for you !
Strengthen IT security ?
The main security flaw in a computer system is the human being. The designers of ransomware, viruses, Trojan horses, etc. have understood this.
If the acquisition of protection equipment and software is a necessity, it is preferable that these systems are never solicited because their effectiveness can never be guaranteed at 100%: the antidote always comes after the virus. In the case of an incident involving an infection, the financial consequences are significant: infrastructure shutdown, loss of crucial data, impact in terms of image, etc.

More serenity and productivity
Be serene behind your keyboard and easily execute what seemed difficult without wasting time !
Serenity and productivity ?
A significant percentage of computer users are doing “best effort”, i.e. what they can to complete their daily tasks and therefore take time to achieve a given result. This is stressful for people in this situation.
Losing even half an hour a day to “to tinker” will quickly add up to several hours a week and several days of productivity a month. These costs are invisible but significant for companies.
Where ?
Everything is possible: face-to-face at your premises, at our premises, at a neutral location or by videoconference.